by Dina Silver
3 of 5 stars
A simple read that still finds a way to span many emotions
The book was not too interesting too me personally. It touched on several things: becoming independent, travel, falling in love, heartbreak, family, loss. Perhaps too many things. And although I enjoyed it, I felt like it was never "real" for me. For even a second. The main character was too perfect, not believable. But the adventure part was well-written and during those pages, I couldn't put it down.
About the Author from Goodreads:
Born Chicago, The United States
Website http://www.dinasilver.com
Twitter DinaSilver
Genre Literature & Fiction, Romance, Humor
Influences Chianti, truffle oil & cheese fries
A graduate of Purdue University, Dina Silver has spent the past fifteen years feeding her red wine habit by working as a copywriter in the advertising industry. After seeing the bulk of her professional prose on brochures and direct mail pieces, she is delighted to have made the transition to novelist. She currently lives with her husband and son in suburban Chicago. Additionally, she loves talking about herself in the third person.
About books I review...
I am an author, so I appreciate the value of a 5-star review. I know that those stars mean more to an author, than they do to me as the reviewer who's doling them out. That being said, if I like a book at all, chances are I'm going to give it 5-stars. However, in the detailed description of my review is where I will attempt to explain what I actually thought of the book, so people can get a better idea of exactly how much I liked or loved it.
If I did not enjoy a book, or was unable to finish it, I simply will not review it. I have no interest in bashing anyone else's hard work.