by Kerry Fisher
4.5 out of 5.0 stars
I highly recommend [book:The Silent Wife|33225794] by [author:Kerry Fisher|6907063]. It took me months to read the first quarter of the book and I almost gave up thinking it didn't have a plot. The ebook was entitled: "The Silent Wife: A gripping emotional page turner with a twist that will take your breath away" and that's what got my attention at first. Wow, a thriller, I love those. Now another blurb on the cover is "Would you risk everything for the man you love even if you knew he had done something terrible?" And I'm not sure if either of those subtitles accurately describes the book (FOR ME). The risking everything for the man you love? No, I believe it's more like a woman was bullied and controlled by a man with a personality disorder. But I don't want to use any spoilers so ...
As I mentioned, the book began slowly, and I was going to dismiss it until one of the characters fascinated me. This character, that the family saw as perfect, is a narcissist. But more than that, I believe, displaying all the characteristics of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Note: the author never states this, nor uses the word Narcissist - and I apologize if I got it wrong.
The book revolves around the Farinelli family. Massimo is the golden child, remarried to Lara, seemingly cold and rigid, raising their meek son, Sandro. Next door is brother Nico and his 2nd wife, Maggie, raising Nico's daughter Francesca and Maggie's son, Sam. Nico's first wife, Caitlin, died after a battle with cancer and the Farinelli family considered her a perfect daughter and sister-in-law. Maggie is a little raw around the edges, raised poor by her mother Beryl. The Farinelli mom is a typical Italian mother, cannot see wrong in her own sons and not warm to anyone outside the family.
The last 50 pages changed my mind about the book. And although I still wouldn't call it a gripping page turner, it was an excellent character study. I couldn't stop the tears and felt my heart being gripped by the reality of the family dynamics revealing themselves. And one character in particular, whose evilness built up in little ways throughout and then burst open at the end.
I'd recommend this book as I said and I'm looking forward to reading Fisher's next novel. I give it 4.5 stars, my complaint being how the book was marketed bringing different expectations. If it was billed as a character study, it may have been a 4.9 because I wouldn't have expected something else.
Please do read this one!
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