4.8 Stars
I was hooked on this book. I couldn't put it down for the couple of days and nights that I read it. It was so close to 5.0 stars that I'll probably go back and change it.
The story was perfectly spun. And creepy. And I became wrapped up in the "normal", straight up sociopaths involved. I don't want to spoiler, and it's hard to say much. Because I was so fooled all the way through. Actually, the way it did end was one of my "possible" endings, but it didn't matter because I had made up about ten of them by the end of the book.
Cold blooded and calculated is not even strong enough to describe our killer. Truly, no one was as they seemed. And that is to the purely amazing skills of Gillian Flynn. Her writing is pristine - I could picture everywhere they were, every place they had lived, all the people around them, the scenes in The Bar...wow.
The one thing that I thought was going to sort of dull the book for me? I hadn't seen the movie, nor heart much about it. But I had seen the trailer. Briefly though. But I saw Ben Affleck was the lead and the entire book might as well as said "Ben" instead of "Nick" because from the very beginning, that's what I saw. I heard his voice, saw his face. And in the long run? It didn't dull anything, instead I would like to compliment the casting director because she picked the perfect actor for the part! And I just read that Desi is played by Doogie and that is pretty hard to imagine. I sort of saw a Fez-type character (from the 70's show, except the actor now).
So, if you like suspense, psychological thrillers, page-turners, intense characters that get under your skin ... this will be perfect. I am excited to read another book by the writer and will hopefully have the same feeling - an author I'm excited for each new novel that is announced.
Oh! The reason I couldn't give it a 5.0 is because of the ending. Yep, I was disappointed and would have ended it very, very differently. I wanted more responsibility taken for what this dark character does to everyone in their wake. Like I said, sociopath.
My goodreads review (same as here): www.goodreads.com/review/show/2059725167
Born Kansas City, MO, The United States
Website http://gillian-flynn.com/
Genre Mystery & Thrillers
Gillian Flynn is an American author and television critic for Entertainment Weekly. She has so far written three novels, Sharp Objects, for which she won the 2007 Ian Fleming Steel Dagger for the best thriller; Dark Places; and her best-selling third novel Gone Girl.
Her book has received wide praise, including from authors such as Stephen King. The dark plot revolves around a serial killer in a Missouri town, and the reporter who has returned from Chicago to cover the event. Themes include dysfunctional families,violence and self-harm.
In 2007 the novel was shortlisted for the Mystery Writers of America Edgar for Best First Novel by an American Writer, Crime Writers' Association Duncan Lawrie, CWA New Blood and Ian Fleming Steel Daggers, winning in the last two categories.
Flynn, who lives in Chicago, grew up in Kansas City, Missouri. She graduated at the University of Kansas, and qualified for a Master's degree from Northwestern University.
Review Quotes:
"Gillian Flynn is the real deal, a sharp, acerbic, and compelling storyteller with a knack for the macabre."
–Stephen King