Dorothy Gravelle
3.7 of 5.0 stars
I usually don't read supernatural or fantasy or science fiction. But I was drawn to the giveaway and I made a commitment to reading if I won. I did!
I absolutely enjoyed this book. The characters were well developed and the world around was something I could "see." It's a wonderful idea to have the main character forced into this world that she would only be able to dream about otherwise. I also appreciate the amount of research that must have gone in to the writing of the book.
I want to thank the author, Dorothy Gravelle, and I believe she cares very much about sharing this book. The note enclosed with the book giveaway from Dorothy is very special. I usually pass on books right away after reading, but this one I'll hold on to for a little longer and revisit the pages I've made a list of as "go-backs."
Thank you!!!
About the author from Goodreads:
Born The United States
Genre Paranormal, Fantasy, Young Adult
I am a lover of books -- these treasures that stack up endlessly before us, each one asking to be read. I've been dreaming up stories and putting pen to paper since I learned to write the alphabet. It is an affliction, to say the least. Like any obsession, it is exceedingly difficult to quit. I gave up giving up a long time ago.
I began my first novel twenty-five years ago, after my first grown-up adventure: a trip to San Francisco. I fell in love with the city. The night I returned, I dreamed the entire plot to, "Where the Deer Dwell." It was a work in process for those many years until it was published in 2012. I vowed that I would not continue my writing career without finishing what I set out to do all those years ago.
"Paradox Love," is my latest novel, first in the "Paradox Love," series. Another serious affliction is my inability to write a typical novel. I never wanted to waste years of my life and the passion it takes to create merely to write a marketable novel. Don't get me wrong. To entertain the reader is my greatest joy. But I just can't help myself when it comes to writing a message into the stories I write.
Back in the early 90s, when I was beginning, "Where the Deer Dwell," I was writing about the issues of global warming before I'd even heard the terminology used. And in "Paradox Love," I present the reader with what I hope is a gripping love story. But alongside and indeed interwoven, I spin a tale of dogs. Their stories are hard to read, but the lives of dogs are often times far from fairy tales. Maybe you can let me know whether you thought the concept worked or not.
I am at work on the second book in the "Paradox Love," series, which is best written and conceptualized while enjoying the beautiful city I call home, San Diego, California.