by Paula Hawkins (Goodreads Author)
Vicki Ayala's review
Sep 19, 2016
it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites
Read from September 09 to 19, 2016
** spoiler alert **
I still need to digest this whole book. I was taken by it more and more each time I read it.
At first, Rachel was just getting on my nerves. Making so many bad decisions. And she KNEW it.
But towards the end of the book, I was rooting for her in a big way. And it's amazing that we, as the readers, are ALSO "taken" by Tom. Did any of us think he was going to be the monster? But because of the things he has put in to play, I found myself wanting him to be okay, and Anna. This couple seemed so stable at first. Wow.
And what about Megan? It took just getting to know her thoughts briefly before realizing that she was a real sad case.
And the fact that all three women had a lot in common? BUT Rachel was the most honest. She may have also been the most fucked up, but that was an outside influence (the alcohol). She was the most honest about everything.
The worst in my opinion? Megan may have been a cheater (as was Tom) but Anna. What a piece of work. As she sat idle ready, I BELIEVE, to let Rachel die at the hands of her husband. And if Tom had killed her when they were in the kitchen, I think Anna would have just wanted to carry on with her seemingly (from the outside) perfect life. Even knowing that her husband had now killed two women and cheated on her.
In a perfect world, Rachel could have told Megan she didn't need her covering for her, because Yes, she did kill Tom but NO WAY would Tom have let her live. She had to use the corkscrew.
I finished this book yesterday and it has been on my mind ever since.
Well written. Superbly written actually. The way the chapters switched between women and dates with such fluidity. Wow. Just wow.