My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A day in the life of a dreamer. I imagined Henry drifting through San Francisco - and what beautiful, detailed descriptions of the city! - even though he did have his purpose. He'd forgotten to buy his wife a Christmas gift two days before the holiday. While on his errand, he bumps into Daisy who he long ago had an affair. Henry has a lot going on in his head, things like quantum physics, his ad agency work, Buddhism and spirituality. I'm not sure. So he must be a smart guy, right? The character, in my mind, is fortunate not to be hit by a car or a bus or fall in to a manhole. Dreaming is one thing, but a whole day in this guy's head had me a bit irritated. At least at the end, he does make a decision that may change his life!
My rating would be more like a 3.75, but with 5 stars I had to round up.
Pepper Harding is the pen name of a San Francisco writer known for an entirely different kind of literature. Born in far-away New Jersey, educated in Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and finally at the University of Chicago, Pepper is a long time resident of the city, with stints in Marin, Berkeley and, currently, Sonoma County. Pepper has two kids, two cars, one spouse, and, some say, multiple personalities.