My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Even though I consider this a "gym read", it wasn't as simple as that. I was touched by the family, Bambi and Linda, Rachel and even Michelle (although that was tough...she was far from worthy at times). I also was drawn to Sandy Sanchez, the detective, and I have to research if this character is a constant in Lippman's novels.
I had no idea who killed Julie throughout the novel. Truly, it could have been one of 5 or 6 people and it turned out to be one not even on my radar. And for reasons I did not pick up on.
By the end of the book, I had a lot of respect for one of the Brewer family who I didn't have an inkling of respect for earlier (no! not Michelle)
This is the first book of Laura Lippman's I've read. And I am excited to read another and another. Good - no, GREAT character development. An amazing twisted plot. And I couldn't ask for more.