by Victoria Helen Stone
4 of 5
Story kept me hooked
I finished this book in a night... Couldn't put it down. The chapters interchanged between Before and After and it was an effective way to tell the story. I cared about Evelyn and was rooting for her from almost the beginning. A woman shamed just trying to survive, and then thrive, with the circumstances that had been set in motion without her prior input. I will look for other books from thirds author now.
About the author from Goodreads:
Website http://victoriahelenstone.com/index/
Genre Contemporary, Suspense
Member Since August 2017
URL https://www.goodreads.com/VHStone
Victoria Helen Stone is the nom de plume for USA Today bestselling author Victoria Dahl. After publishing more than twenty-five novels, she has taken a turn toward the darker side of genre fiction. Born and educated in the Midwest, she finished her first manuscript just after college. In 2016, the American Library Association awarded her the prestigious Reading List Award for outstanding genre fiction. Having escaped the plains of her youth, she now resides with her family in a small town high in the Rocky Mountains, where she enjoys hiking, snowshoeing, and not skiing (too dangerous).
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