by Anna Quindlen
5.0 stars
I lost my review but I'm going to post one from Elyse who reviews books in just an amazing way. I promise to take hers off once I've written my own again, but her message feels very important:
"UPDATE: 4/26/2015 I read this book years ago --and had given it 3 stars at the time...
I came back today to give it 5 stars ---My reason for changing it --is because its very clear this book left a lasting impression on me. A message in the book is strong. It 'wasn't clear to me at the time -it is 'now'. I HIGHLY recommend this book for MOTHERS who have daughters (especially if they still have daughters living at home with them).
I have many thoughts about this book---
but the most important is this:
I would NOT tell my friends "Oh, you MUST READ this Book"....without telling them a little more about the story.....[then let them 'choose']. Its not a book for everyone--and it might depend on what is going on in a person's life.
I had a friend say to me: "You should read this book, you have daughters"! HUH?????
This book deals with a horrific tragedy---[no its not graphic]---but this is not a book I give to my friends, like "Here ya Go"....Have fun!
I read the book in a day---[in a few sittings]. I could almost see what was coming the first half of the book---[I wasn't asleep to the familiar type lifetime setup].
Its a seductive story---how can you not keep reading?
Are there messages? Sure! Did I like it? I mean---I suppose I did. Did I need to read it? I didn't.
It was well written--I didn't feel manipulated like a lifetime movie might do--but its a heavy plot--(handled with care and compassion by the author)....
but I know people who would NOT do well reading this book. They would not want to re-visit their own painful memories --which this book very might well trigger.
"Every Last One" has a few strong messages. Its a book asking to be discussed---but for people who are clear they are up for the task."
About the author from Goodreads:
Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, The United States, July 08, 1952
Website http://www.AnnaQuindlen.net
Genre Literature & Fiction, Memoir
Anna Quindlen is a novelist and journalist whose work has appeared on fiction, nonfiction, and self-help bestseller lists. She is the author of eight novels: OBJECT LESSONS, ONE TRUE THING, BLACK AND BLUE, BLESSINGS, RISE AND SHINE, EVERY LAST ONE, STILL LIFE WITH BREAD CRUMBS, and MILLER'S VALLEY. Her memoir LOTS OF CANDLES, PLENTY OF CAKE, published in 2012, was a number one New York Times bestseller. Her book A SHORT GUIDE TO A HAPPY LIFE has sold more than a million copies. While a columnist at The New York Times she won the Pulitzer Prize and published two collections, LIVING OUT LOUD and THINKING OUT LOUD. Her Newsweek columns were collected in LOUD AND CLEAR.