by Karin Slaughter
4 of 5 stars
What a read! Slaughter crafts an amazing thriller in every sense of the word. This novel is not for the faint-hearted for sure. I cannot review this book without spoilers, so here it goes...
I wanted Claire to be an amazing person. I should have taken her simple ways at face value. She is simple. Possibly in my mind almost challenged. COME ON!
What was Claire waiting on to turn on her husband completely and perhaps save her sister from further pain? Was it not enough that ...
Paul had KILLED her father?
Paul had RAPED and KILLED her beloved older sister?
Paul had tricked her during their entire almost-20-year marriage?
Paul had RECORDED and SOLD the - no HIS - RAPING and KILLING (and sickly, not necessarily in that order) - of upwards of 20? 50? girls?
Oh, not done yet ...
Paul had planned to RAPE and KILL Claire's niece once she was the ripe age of 19?
Paul was in the process of KILLING and RAPING Claire's older sister, Lydia?
Paul had tried to RAPE Lydia 18 years before and caused the family to ostracize her?
I mean oh my gosh.
The pages that documented the HOURS Claire spent driving around CONFUSED and WORRIED (really?) about Lydia were agonizing. It felt like DAYS. Why didn't she call Homeland Security? Or another police force or something. I almost lost faith in the story. And then I was given another reason to lose that faith...
When the reader finally has the hope that this horrible, Hannibal-Lecter like character might be made responsible for YEARS of carnage on innocent women? Nope. Claire shoots him in the knee and the neck but lets him die in like 5 minutes. He RAPED and KILLED and RECORDED and PROFITED off innocent girls for years - the most gnarly torture scenes you can imagine - yet he was allowed no more than 300 seconds of pain? Oh my, I am getting worked up again. HOW COULD YOU LET THIS BE, Karen Slaughter?
Big sigh. Her book, her choice.
The writing is fabulous. I will read whatever book I have of hers on my shelf soon. But my thought is that after 500 pages invested in your novel, I was so rooting for the main character to be a hero. She had so many reasons, and yet she just turned over time after time.
Still you get my 4.5 stars and a loyal reader. Just next time, I hope there's a hero to hold on to. I may be on my own here, I get that. Personal preference... Ahhhhh.
Born in The United States January 06
Website http://www.karinslaughter.com/
Genre Mystery & Thrillers, Fiction, Thriller
URL https://www.goodreads.com/KarinSlaughter
Karin Slaughter is the New York Times and #1 internationally bestselling author of seventeen thrillers, including the Grant County and Will Trent series, COP TOWN, PRETTY GIRLS, THE GOOD DAUGHTER and the e-original short stories “Snatched” “Busted" "Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes" and "Last Breath."
Slaughter was born in a small southern Georgia community, and now resides in Atlanta. She is widely credited with first coining the term "investigoogling" in 2006.
THE KEPT WOMAN is available in paperback NOW!
THE GOOD DAUGHTER, is available now in the Netherlands and Flanders and arrives July 2017 in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, and August 8, 2017 in the US.
Facebook: Facebook.com/AuthorKarinSlaughter
Website: http://www.karinslaughter.com/