My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was not the character study I had expected. But instead a book about many different characters, none of them really explained deep enough for me. I actually had to keep a running list because there were so many people woven in to so many plot lines. I guess though that is to be expected if you are a teenage girl spending some time at your strict father's market to make up for stealing a credit card. The situations interesting, but not relatable. Again, I think it's because I wanted more depth in the characters. Or in what was going on in Margot's head.
I will say I had a friend's teenage daughter read it and she loved it. So maybe it's an age-thing?
Good writing and promise of more in the future.
Born in New York, The United States July 03
Website http://www.lilliamrivera.com
Twitter lilliamr
Genre Young Adult, Contemporary, Science Fiction
Originally from the Bronx, NYC, Lilliam Rivera is a 2016 Pushcart Prize winner and a 2015 Clarion graduate. She has been awarded fellowships and grants from PEN Center USA, Elizabeth George Foundation, and A Room of Her Own Foundation. Her work has appeared in Tin House, Los Angeles Times, Bellevue Literary Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, Latina, among others. She hosts the Los Angeles-based radio show Literary Soundtrack on Radio Sombra and lives in Los Angeles with her family. Visit her at LilliamRivera.com.