My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I stayed up through most the night to finish this; I just had to see what would happen as layer upon layer built up. There are so many parts to this story. Small town with the problems of a much bigger world.
This is not a typical fiction, I'd call it close to a thriller. My heart was beating at the end and I was almost afraid as I turned the pages. So many lives are hanging in this balance on so many different lies. These lies built on love and loyalty; appearances; guilt.
And some of the lies were so big, it's a wonder the author, Marybeth Mayhew Whalen was able to keep the story on track for the readers. But she does!
The characters were also believable and real. I felt like I would want to know some of them ... Zell, Jencey, Lance and all the kids, especially Cailey.
There are many lessons learned at the end. "What a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive. I have to think the author consciously thought about this as the story begins and ends with a spider.
Great read; I will seek out her other books now.