by Alison Gaylin
4 of 5 stars
Excellent, face-paced thriller full of twists that the reader is inclined to go along with. To a point. And then in the last 50 pages of the book, this went from a 5 to a 4-star. I just couldn't do them all. But I wanted to. I mean ... spoilers
Spoilers: I mean why did their NEIGHBOR in Joshua Tree need to be a friend from high school (okay, a class bully)? Why did Vee need to be the LOVER of her MOTHER? Why did it need to be her best friend - oh and wait - half sister that was the killer of her twin sister? It was maddening! Just totally maddening! Because the book was so incredibly good. I will read whatever Gaylin writes, but this just threw me. Why did her locket need to be hidden in a space that she wouldn't have found had she not broken in to her ex-friend's home? Why did McFadden have to die at her hands and then Sterling have to call her before he died? Any ONE of these things would have held my interest; two would have made the book exceptional. But all of them? It feels like the writer lost confidence in just her skills as a storyteller of this wonderful twisty tale she'd woven. Bummer.
End of spoiler...But besides a bummer I'll say now that I would read anything that Alison Gaylin writes! What a great talent for weaving a psychological thriller. This is the reason I read. Truly. Even with its faults, although by mentioning "faults" I'm sure my opinion will not be shared with the majority, but even with these, excellent read.
Born The United States
Website http://www.alisongaylin.com/
Genre Mystery & Thrillers
Alison Gaylin is a journalist who has covered the arts and entertainment for more than fifteen years. Her first novel, HIDE YOUR EYES, debuted in March, 2005 with nearly a quarter of a million copies in print and was nominated for the prestigious Edgar Award for a first novel. The sequel, YOU KILL ME, was published in 2006 to rave reviews. Her first hardcover, TRASHED, out in September 2007, launched NAL's new Obsidian imprint. Alison lives in upstate New York with her husband, young daughter and old dog.
* Samantha Leiffer Mystery
* Simone Glass Mystery