by Kevin J. Haselhorst (Goodreads Author)
Vicki Ayala's review
Nov 04, 2016 · edit
it was amazing
bookshelves: giveaway, non-fiction
Read in August, 2016
Kevin J. Haselhorst does a tremendous service for us by writing this book. Although I would have never thought twice about the subject, nor would I have been interested enough to read the book if my own life didn't call for it. My father died two years ago and my mother needed guidance that we did not have for my father. We didn't understand we needed it. Even with the top-notch healthcare he received - the doctors and facilities were the best - he still did not have an Advance Care Directive. No one had asked his wishes, probably thinking my mom would handle this. But this is not possible because of our health care regulations. Also, quite frankly, at the time she could not handle it.
I highly recommend this book for anyone, most particularly those in the later stages of life or with a spouse or a loved one in this situation. Dr. Haselhorst gives us tools so that we may empower ourselves to make our own decisions. It may seem far off to you, but it will be too late if you wait.
I honestly feel that the quality of my dad's life at the end would have been better had we, as a family, read this book and moved on some of the recommendations. Someone else that reviewed the book recommended it for those working in medical care, but I wonder if the person had gone through the experience of being with a loved one at the end of life. I would recommend the book for adults, all adults.